LSA Technology - Solutions in Computer Technology
Solutions in Computer Technology  

Firewalls & Internet Security

LSA has expertise in the application of security to your internet connection, giving protection to your network and systems from the many dangers posed by the Internet.
The dangers are many and varied; everyone has heard of hackers and virus attacks, but there are many more ways that an internet connection can pose a threat. There are many ways in which you can protect your systems from risk, and we offer virus screening of incoming emails, and a variety of hardware or software firewall solutions.
Our state-of-the-art security system is able to protect against each of these threats in addition to providing many extra benefits. Some of the connectivity aspects normally provided:

  • Firewall
  • Router
  • Virus checker
  • Email server
  • Control access to the Internet from your network
  • Control your connection costs
  • Allow remote access to your network via the internet

Virtual Private Network (VPN) using the internet to connect your remote offices.

Our Managed Service
As with our other services we aim to set our service above our competition excellent product is supplied with a top-class support service. This service runs from the very start of the relationship between your business and LSA Technology, and runs throughout the contract. It is through this service we manage to achieve our ultimate aim - to supply our customers with the best technology in a trouble-free package.
An outline of the main features of our managed service is given below:

  • Installation - an accredited engineer will install the system.
  • Configuration - the administration system is configured for your Internet connection.
  • Training - the installation/configuration process acts as a training session.
  • Maintenance - the hardware will be covered for repair or replacement within an agreed SLA.
  • Technical support - customers are provided with expert telephone and online support.

CheckMark certified Firewall security
For today's businesses, information is an asset of great value. Every business must consider Internet security as a critical issue. Many router-only and small office Internet solutions require the purchase of a separate firewall package, we ensure that your system includes a firewall, this ensures your data is secure from the outside world and you have control over who can gain access, this prevents unauthorised access from the Internet onto the Local Area Network yet allows users to use the Internet safely due to the Firewall checked deep inspecting incoming packets of information to decide if they should be allowed onto the network.

Protect your assets from virus attack
Today, business is driven by information. It is THE most valuable asset and should be protected wherever possible. Email has emerged as the key method of communication in the 21st century. However, the vast majority of viruses are transmitted through this medium, so it is vital to scan incoming emails for the presence of viruses. Scanning at the Internet level, before the email is even delivered to your network, has been shown to be one of the most effective ways of protecting an organisations' networks and systems against attack.

MailDefender is an Internet-based anti-virus service developed to meet the highest professional demands to scan emails at the Internet level before they enter your network or IT systems. Inbound and Outbound eMail goes through the MailDefender central servers and is scanned by the virus engine for the presence of known both “known viruses” and also using Heuristic techniques “unknown viruses”. Once cleared, it is examined by MailDefenders Spam Scanner which uses artificial intelligence to decide whether the eMail should be blocked or passed.

If an email is blocked at either stage, it is quarantined then detailed in an eMails notification list sent to the recipient to check if they want to receive the eMail.
MailDefender is automatically updated with the latest virus specifications every 5 minutes guaranteeing the maximum protection and accuracy.

Access to those based away from your company network
We can provide remote access to your office systems by a variety of systems & methods, all being carefully developed with security in mind and employ 256 bit encryption, so being out of the office needn't mean being out of the loop.

From a business perspective this enables employees to be as productive out of the office as they are at their own desks. Within an education environment, this allows pupils to access internal curriculum resources from home, which is particularly useful for homework or during periods of extended absence.

Taking the remote working one stage further, we can provide Mobile eMail systems using either Blackberry RIM or OpenHand systems, these systems allow instant secure receipt of eMails and attachments, plus access to their office calendar appointments and contacts while anywhere in the world.

Connecting remote locations - Virtual Private Network
There are obvious benefits to linking the computer networks at your company's remote sites so that employees at all sites can share information and work from the same central files. Virtual Private Network (VPN) technology allows communication between these sites using the Internet as the carrier, rather than expensive leased lines.

In essence, VPN allows your organisation to use the Internet as though it were a Wide Area Network connecting sites together, offering all the benefits of linking sites together at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods.

We can configure VPN links using different systems including IP-Sec, or the more basic system built into Microsoft Windows PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol).



What our clients say...

T.I.S. Ltd., have been using LSA to provide all our Hardware, Software & Web Design for over 20 years; their technical knowledge is second to none. I would have no hesitation recommending the services LSA offer, knowing that you are in safe hands when it comes to getting the best advice on all your IT needs.

B. M. Willis
Financial Director
T.I.S. Ltd

LSA Technology : 106 Church Lane, Marple, Stockport, Cheshire, SK6 7AR, United Kingdom.
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